Milwaukee Railroad train in the Race channel of the Des Moines River after a derailment in April, on the west leg of the Wye bridge. Switch engine #1551 went into the race, and the crew members- engineer Curt Adcock, fireman Bill Wells, conductor Red Chambers, switchman Cleave Carnahan, and switchman Terry Owens- ended up in the water. All survived. For more information on the Michael Lemberger Collection visit
Milwaukee Railroad train in the Race channel of the Des Moines River after a derailment in April, on the west leg of the Wye bridge. Switch engine #1551 went into the race, and the crew members- engineer Curt Adcock, fireman Bill Wells, conductor Red Chambers, switchman Cleave Carnahan, and switchman Terry Owens- ended up in the water. All survived. For more information on the Michael Lemberger Collection visit